Mon, Feb

DK Fotinakis proudly announces the successful completion of the drydocking and maintenance

DK Fotinakis proudly announces the successful completion of the drydocking and maintenance of the tanker M/V Karolos, managed by Dynacom Tankers Management, Ltd..

This achievement reflects our dedication to delivering world-class ship repair services, ensuring the vessel is prepared for its next voyage with peak efficiency and reliability. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to SKARAMANGAS SHIPYARDS for providing the facilities and support that made this project possible.

Thank you to Dynacom Tankers Management Ltd. for entrusting DK Fotinakis with this significant project.


Sfaktirias, Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece, 18545
Telephone ; 30-210-4617886
Fax: 30-210-4618542
Website: www.dkfotinakis.com 

Services: Ships Repairs & Services steel works steelworks piping fabrication Hatch covers repairs. Construction of special steel outfits.

Detailed technical overview of proposed solutions, to work, specs and drawings for Owners and Classification Societies.

Read more :  https://www.fotinakis.com

D.K. FOTINAKIS LTD provides for various types BWTS projects, construction deckhouse installation design, the project coordination and supervision. All retrofit work, specs and drawings for Owners and Classification Societies.
 Read more :   vhttps://dkfotinakis.com/blackdsn-portfolio/ship-repairs/
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Capital: Καινοτόμο σύστημα δέσμευσης CO2 στα μεγαλύτερα LCO2 carriers παγκοσμίως

Η CAPITAL GAS, η ERMA FIRST και η BABCOCK υπέγραψαν επιστολή προθέσεων (Letter of Intent -LoI) για την εγκατάσταση ενός πρωτοποριακού συστήματος δέσμευσης και αποθήκευσης άνθρακα (Carbon Capture and Storage-CCS), του CARBON FIT,

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