Even though there is still a substantial amount of wooden yacht construction and restoration out there, wooden hull construction has pretty much gone the way of the mastodonts.To find a new commercial
Even though there is still a substantial amount of wooden yacht construction and restoration out there, wooden hull construction has pretty much gone the way of the mastodonts.
To find a new commercial wooden vessel project would be quite a challenge. Except if you happen to know Scarano Boatworks.
Scarano Boats was founded by brothers John and Rick Scarano in 1986. They are located in an old waterfront fertilizer factory in Albany, New York and, too quietly, have built a variety of boats that boggles the mind. Their portfolio defies description. They have built USCG inspected passenger vessels, historic replicas, tiny experimental cruisers, private yachts, adventure schooners, head boat schooners, and billboard, hot tub, and solar hybrid electric drive catamarans.
Almost all the vessels built at Scarano were designed under the leadership of John Scarano. In an oversimplified description, John mostly runs the yard, while Rick mostly runs their boat operations under the name Classic Harbor Lines. Classic Harbor Lines runs about 12 USCG inspected sailing and power passenger vessel in New York City, Boston, Newport, RI, and Key West.
The vast majority of the Classic Harbor Line vessels were designed and built by Scarano boats. While some look
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