Mon, Mar

How to Buy Your First Home Tax Free In Greece

How to Buy Your First Home Tax Free In Greece

Hellenic Shipping News

As the housing crisis in Greece rolls on, Greece’s Independent Authority for Public

As the housing crisis in Greece rolls on, Greece’s Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) has provided a much-needed guide addressing 17 common questions about tax exemptions for those intending to purchase their first home.

The guide clarifies eligibility criteria for minors, co-ownership, spouses, and auxiliary spaces and also explains when tax exemption is revoked and when it can be granted a second time.

Some of the most common questions are:

  • Can a minor receive a tax exemption for first-time homeownership?
  • Is an exemption granted for a property used as a residence but registered as commercial space on the building permit?
  • Can a tax exemption be granted a second time or after the contract has been signed?
  • What applies to auxiliary spaces?

The key questions encountered by AADE and the answers, as provided in the guide, are found below:

  1. Does the first-home exemption apply to property transfers through distribution, consolidation, exchange, court-recognized ownership, or settlement of inheritance claims?

    • No, the exemption applies only when a property is purchased under a formal sales contract.
  2. Is the exemption granted if a property is acquired through auction?

    • Yes, even if the highest bidder is the spouse or a first-degree relative of the auctioned party.
  3. If someone owns a share

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Read Full article form Original Source OIKONOMIKOS TAXYDROMOS



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