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FARAD Heat Exchangers SA

Media Partners

FARAD S.A. has over 40 years of experience in design, develop & production of Tubular & Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers.

We work on Quality
We present a wide range of products in every tubular & Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger category: Turbo-charged Air Coolers, Steam-Dump Condensers, Marine Gas Oil (MGO) Cooling Units, Heaters, Electric Heaters, Oil Coolers, Water Coolers, Freon Evaporators and Condensers

Our Products
FARAD SA Heat Exchangers presents a wide range of products in every tubular & gasketed plate heat exchanger category while offers custom solutions to all sorts of projects

We produce a wide variety of heat exchangers that are suitable to almost any vessel. Product approval can be gained from all major classification societies

We produce all TEMA types of Heat Exchangers. We follow the ASME code for pressure vessels and comply with all EU requirements

From large feedwater preheaters to small stream condensers, we design and produce Heat Exhangers for the whole Energy sector

Food & Beverage
We produce high-quality heat exchangers, from stainless steel that are used in the steam system, as well as in food processing, to preserve food quality.


FARAD S.A   representation
14 Alon Street, Piraeus - GR18540 Greece
Phone: +30 2104227410
Fax : +30 2104227303
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WEb : www.farad.gr

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