Piraeus, Greece, August 5, 2024. Capital Gas Ship Management Corp. (‘Capital Gas’) took successful delivery of the newbuilding LNG carriers "Assos", "Apostolos" and "Aktoras" from Hyundai Heavy Industries, S. Korea.
Press Releases
Capital Ship Management Corp. Takes Delivery of M/T 'Aisopos' & M/T ‘Aiolos
Piraeus, February 4, 2025. Capital Ship Management Corp. ('Capital') took successful delivery recently of the newbuilding vessels M/T ‘Aisopos’ (‘ΑΙΣΩΠΟΣ’) and M/t ‘Aiolos’ (‘ΑΙΟΛΟΣ’), two 115,621 dwt, eco-type crude oil/product carriers, built by New Times Shipbuilding (NTS), China.
Capital Gas, Erma First & Babcock Collaborate On Carbon-Fit CCS System For The World’s Largest LCO2 Carriers
Piraeus, Greece, June 4, 2024 CAPITAL GAS, ERMA FIRST and BABCOCK signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) to install a pioneering Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) system, CARBON FIT, on board four new liquefied carbon dioxide (LCO2) carriers.
Capital Ship Management: Το δεξαμενόπλοιο «ΑΚΡΙΣΙΟΣ» υψώνει την Ελληνική σημαία
Η Capital Ship Management Corp. ολοκλήρωσε με επιτυχία τη διαδικασία εγγραφής
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