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ERMA FIRST Introduction to Carbon Capture & Storage

ERMA FIRST Introduction to Carbon Capture & Storage

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The shipping industry, a critical component of global trade, is a main contributor to global carbon emissions. In recent years, the maritime sector has faced mounting pressure to reduce its carbon footprint and operate more sustainably.

One way it is accomplishing this is through the implementation of onboard Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) systems. These innovative solutions capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions directly from ships, reducing their environmental impact and helping ship owners and operators meet the increasingly stringent international regulations.

The shipping industry, a critical component of global trade, is a main contributor to global carbon emissions. In recent years, the maritime sector has faced mounting pressure to reduce its carbon footprint and operate more sustainably. One way it is accomplishing this is through the implementation of onboard Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) systems. These innovative solutions capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions directly from ships, reducing their environmental impact and helping ship owners and operators meet the increasingly stringent international regulations.

Secure a Greener Horizon with ERMA FIRST's Carbon Capture Solutions
Carbon Capture & Storage technologies can be broadly classified into two main types:

✔️ Post-Combustion Capture: This technique captures CO2 after the fossil fuel (such as marine fuel oil or gas) has been combusted in air. The exhaust gases are captured and processed through chemical scrubbing or absorption methods to separate CO2. The CO2 can then be compressed and stored.

✔️ Pre-Combustion Capture: In this method, the fuel is partially oxidized or gasified to form a ‘synthesis gas’ (a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide). The CO2 is then separated, captured, and stored, while the remaining hydrogen-rich gas is combusted.

In addition to these, there are other, more specialized capture technologies such as Oxy-Fuel Combustion and Chemical Looping Combustion, but these are currently less common in the maritime sector.
ERMA FIRST’s Carbon Capture & Storage Technologies

ERMA FIRST, a leader in green maritime technologies, offers two distinct onboard CCS systems:

✔️ CO2 Capture with Amine Absorption and Storage in Liquid State: This solution utilizes well-established amine absorption technology from land-based installations. A proprietary amine solvent absorbs CO2 from the flue gas in a dedicated absorber. The CO2-rich solvent is then directed to a stripper, where heat application regenerates the amine and releases CO2. The CO2 is then liquefied and stored under cryogenic conditions onboard the ship.

✔️ CO2 Capture with Calcium Hydroxide: This method offers a simpler alternative to amine absorption. It uses calcium hydroxide, a strong inorganic alkali agent, to absorb CO2. The flue gas comes into contact with the calcium hydroxide solution in a specially designed reactor. The resulting calcium carbonate slurry is dehydrated and stored onboard until its final disposal at authorized facilities.

Both ERMA FIRST systems effectively capture CO2, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the transition towards a more sustainable maritime industry.

ERMA FIRST’s Amine Absorption System
This system relies on the proven amine absorption technology. Our proprietary amine solvent absorbs CO2 from the flue gas in a specially designed absorber. The solvent is then regenerated through the application of heat, releasing the CO2, which is subsequently liquefied and stored under cryogenic conditions onboard. The regenerated amine solvent is then reused, creating a cyclical, efficient process for capturing and storing CO2.

By choosing ERMA FIRST CARBON FIT, you’re investing in advanced, effective technology that helps you meet and exceed the IMO’s stringent emission reduction targets. It’s not just about compliance; it’s about contributing to a greener, more sustainable future for the maritime industry.

Schisto Industrial Park (VIPAS), Block 13
Keratsiniou-Skaramagas Ave., 188 63
Perama, Greece
24/7 Hotline +30 210 40 93000
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Busan, S. Korea, Oslo, Norway, Shanghai, China
Web: https://www.ermafirst.com/




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