Thu, Mar

Australia Takes a Stand Against Illegal Shark Finning by Sinking Indonesian Vessel

Australia Takes a Stand Against Illegal Shark Finning by Sinking Indonesian Vessel

World Maritime
Australia Takes a Stand Against Illegal Shark Finning by Sinking Indonesian Vessel

The Australian Border Force (ABF) has dismantled an Indonesian fishing boat after discovering a large quantity of illegally harvested shark fins onboard in the remote Northern Territory.

On February 11, authorities intercepted the Indonesian vessel engaged in illegal fishing activities near Croker Island, a largely uninhabited Aboriginal region off the Cobourg Peninsula. Illegal fishing poses a significant challenge in the Arafura Sea, prompting the ABF to enhance its efforts to deter and apprehend Indonesian fishermen operating in Australia’s northern waters.

The inspection revealed 339 shark fins, various fishing gear, and 200 kilograms of salt intended for preserving their illicit catch. Notably absent were the bodies of the sharks, suggesting that finning was taking place.

all seven crew members were arrested; their boat was confiscated and subsequently destroyed. They were transported to Darwin to face charges under the Fisheries Management Act and all admitted guilt on March 4.

The fishermen received AU$1,000 bonds requiring them to maintain good behavior for five years. One individual had an existing warrant for a previous crime and was sentenced to one month behind bars.

“We will not tolerate such illegal actions within our waters. expect interception; you will lose your catch, equipment, and potentially your vessel,” stated Tracie Griffin, Commander of ABF Operation Lunar.

This incident raises the total number of prosecuted Indonesian fishermen in Darwin to 132 over eight months. The ABF has also destroyed multiple vessels recently,including two that were set ablaze at sea last month.

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