The average Greek deposit interest rates remained unchanged in January, while
The average Greek deposit interest rates remained unchanged in January, while loan interest rates saw a decline, according to data from the Bank of Greece (BoG).
The weighted average interest rate for new deposits remained steady at 0.45%, while the corresponding loan interest rate fell to 5.10%, leading to a 4.65% narrowing to the interest rate spread between new deposits and loans.
Similarly, the weighted average interest rate on all existing deposits remained unchanged at 0.49%, while the loan interest rate decreased to 5.34%. This led to a reduction in the interest rate spread between existing deposits and loans to 4.85 percentage points.
New business loans with no fixed maturity saw the most significant drop in interest rates by 43 basis points.
In January 2025, the weighted average interest rate on total new deposits remained unchanged at 0.45% compared to the previous month.
The average deposit Greek interest rates (overnight) from households and businesses remained stable at 0.03% and 0.16%, respectively.
The interest rate on household term deposits with a maturity of up to one year remained almost unchanged at 1.64%, while the rate for business deposits fell by 24 basis points, settling at 2.32%.
The weighted average interest
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