The members of Waterways Council, Inc., (WCI) the national organization that advocates for a modern, efficient, well-maintained system of ports and inland waterways, recently met in Washington, DC with Members of the
The members of Waterways Council, Inc., (WCI) the national organization that advocates for a modern, efficient, well-maintained system of ports and inland waterways, recently met in Washington, DC with Members of the 119th Congress to discuss WCI key and related priorities for 2025.
An ancillary issue that WCI is looking to address is the removal or modification of an antiquated 1980s Executive Order (EO) 12322 that mandates any federal or federally assisted land or water resources project proposal must first be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review before being presented to Congress for approval.
Some background is required:
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Civil Works mission is to develop, manage, and protect the Nation's water resources to “support national security, democracy, and prosperity.” Program areas include Flood Risk Management to reduce the risk of flood damage; Navigation; Environmental Restoration to protect and restore aquatic ecosystems; and Emergency Response to provide disaster relief services.
The Corps was created in 1824, when President James Monroe signed into law a bill to improve navigation on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. And while Corps’ projects are large and complex, the Civil Works mission has evolved
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