Mon, Feb

Scienco/FAST joins forces with UniBallast for innovative container idea

Container News

Scienco/FAST, in collaboration with UniBallast B.V., based in Rotterdam, announced the launch of the portable InTankFITT® Container.

This innovative containerized version of the groundbreaking filterless Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS), InTank®, is a game-changer for ballast water management.

Furthermore, the InTankFITT® Container is engineered to tackle the increasing complexities in ballast water management with cutting-edge technology and unparalleled convenience.

  • Compact and Portable Design: Preassembled within a standard shipping container, this portable system enables a single treatment unit to serve multiple vessels or barges with intermittent ballast water treatment needs.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The automated InTank® system ensures full compliance by conducting double treatment checks and recording TRO levels before discharge. Crews, port authorities, and customers can easily access automated treatment reports for seamless operations.
  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: By eliminating traditional filtration, the system minimizes operational downtime and maintenance. When installed on a port-based ballast water reception barge, its filter-free, in-tank treatment simplifies water reception from discharging vessels.
  • Scalable and Flexible Solution: Perfect for retrofits and temporary installations, the compact system can be deployed on a deck or a temporary platform. Designed to fit within a 20-foot shipping container, it is easy to transport worldwide. Furthermore, InTank® treatment operates independently of ballast operations, reducing stress during water intake and discharge.

This groundbreaking solution reflects Scienco/FAST and UniBallast’s commitment to advancing maritime technology and addressing evolving industry challenges.

Rudy Mes, Sr. Vice President, stated: “The application for the SciencoFAST InTank Container is for up to 50,000 DWT (or system can treat 500-5,000 m3 of ballast water, up to 12 tanks (upgradeable) and all water types), which is a significant portion of the market. UniBallast offers this as both a product and a service, and this new capability not only simplifies ballast water management but empowers ship owners and operators to achieve compliance with confidence and ease.”

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