The Fascinated by Shipwrecks Podcast, hosted by Kathy A. Smith, is dedicated to the People & the Science of Maritime Archaeology.EPISODE 8 – Guest: Vince Capone – Hunting Shipwrecks with Side Scan
The Fascinated by Shipwrecks Podcast, hosted by Kathy A. Smith, is dedicated to the People & the Science of Maritime Archaeology.
- EPISODE 8 – Guest: Vince Capone – Hunting Shipwrecks with Side Scan Sonar
“The robot is navigating underwater and runs a search pattern, collecting the data. We are not at the point where we can transmit that data in real time back to the vessel because of the volume of data. We can transmit snippets to make sure it's working. When I say snippets, those are just small images of the sonar waterfall. But that time is coming. The biggest thing we have now is using a computer for analysis.” Vince Capone
Technological changes in shipwreck hunting, side scan sonar and underwater robotics is something Vince Capone has had a front row seat to since the 1970s when he became a certified NAUI advanced diver exploring the shipwrecks of New Jersey. In this episode, host Kathy A. Smith talks with Capone about the famous seven-sided 1758 Land Tortoise radeau cannon platform known as the Lake George Radeau, the discovery of the U-215 mine-laying U-boat, and the work underway to find what may be another civil war submarine.
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